Speak-out: End Sydney Uni’s Exchange with Israeli Apartheid

Time: Monday 20 April, 1pm

Location: Eastern Avenue, University of Sydney

This coming Monday, Sydney University will hold its Sydney Abroad Fair, where members of the “Australian Friends of Hebrew University of Jerusalem” will be promoting Israel as a study abroad destination.

Our official relationship with Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJ) confers legitimacy and prestige on an institution globally recognised as a violator of Palestinian human rights.

HUJ has direct links with the Israeli State, contributing to its military programme, actively participating in the illegal occupation of Palestinian land, and denying rights to Palestinian students.

In 2014 HUJ gave full public support to the assault in Gaza that killed more than 2,200 people, including more than 500 children.

It has expanded its Mount Scopus campus onto land illegally confiscated from Palestinians in East Jerusalem.

HUJ allows admission to few Palestinian students, and those that it does admit have their freedom of speech and right to protest restricted.

HUJ’s record is no secret and academic institutions internationally are beginning to act. Last month staff and students at London’s prestigious School of Oriental and African Studies voted overwhelmingly to cut all official ties with HUJ.

It’s time that Sydney University did the same.

Join us at 1pm on Eastern Avenue to speakout against Sydney University’s exchange partnership with Hebrew University, and to call on our institution to cut all ties with Israeli apartheid.

Members of Sydney Staff for BDS will be leafletting at the Sydney Abroad Fair from 11am onwards. Please get in touch if you’d like to help out!

Israeli soldiers arrest a Palestinian protester during a Palestinian protest at Hebrew University in Jerusalem,

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